Discuss Growth Promoting Bacteria and Fungus in a Details

Traditional losses in farmyards or agricultural grounds were due to the overwhelming presence of harmful bacteria and fungi. They not only destroy crop yields but also take essential nutrients from the soil to make plants or crops in circumstances of deprivation. Therefore, to eliminate such problems, agricultural scientists, biologists, and experts focus on growth-promoting bacteria and fungi in the agricultural sector. These beneficial microorganisms play a significant role in boosting plant growth, nutrient uptake, and overall plant health. Moreover, they are the foundation stone behind the establishment of symbiotic or mutualistic relationships with plants. Overall, these properties of essential microorganisms help in accessing nutrients, improving stress tolerance, and boosting root development. Let us delve into the role of growth-promoting bacteria like Bacillus methylotrophicus and fungi such as Trichoderma harzianum in more detail. Growth Promoting Bacteria Rhizobi...